Are hairtails deep sea fish?

Are hairtails deep sea fish?

Are hairtails deep sea fish? The hairtail is a Marine fish but not a deep-sea fish. It is a migratory fish, and its main habitat is offshore at depths of 20 to 40 meters. The body shape of the hairtail is flat like a band, silver gray, the...

What animal changes color?

What animal changes color?

What animal changes color? Chameleons are good at changing their body color as their environment changes. Discoloration is both useful for concealment and for catching prey. Chameleon, lizard suborder, Old World, characterized by body colo...

Does exercise affect sleep before going to bed?

Does exercise affect sleep before going to bed?

Does exercise affect sleep before going to bed? Dont. Exercise before bed pays off. This is because the effects of physical activity before bed can be maintained throughout sleep, especially with exercises that deepen breathing, such as di...

Where is the source of the Yellow River?

Where is the source of the Yellow River?

Where is the source of the Yellow River? 1. The source of the Yellow River is hidden in Qinghai Province. There are three main sources: Zhaqu source, Yuguzong Liqu source and Kariqu source, each of which plays different roles. 2, Ka Riqu s...

What is a GMC?

What is a GMC?

What is a GMC? GMC is the commercial vehicle division of General Motors. GMC is taken from the first letter of its English name: General Motro Corporation. General Motors is number one among the 500 largest companies in the United States a...

What is the use value of the scavenger?

What is the use value of the scavenger?

What is the use value of the scavenger? 1, scavenger fish itself clean and refreshing, very ornamental value. 2, scavenger nutritional value is very low, although its meat can be eaten, but the edible value is not high. 3, like to eat aqua...

Will eating self-heated rice on a bullet train alarm you?

Will eating self-heated rice on a bullet train alarm you?

Will eating self-heated rice on a bullet train alarm you? Bullet train self-heating rice will not alarm. Spontaneously heating rice emits water vapor, not smoke, so it wont set off an alarm. Convenience rice is a staple food that is produc...

Can yellow peach eat directly without peeling?

Can yellow peach eat directly without peeling?

Can yellow peach eat directly without peeling? Yellow peaches can be eaten without peeling them. The yellow peach skin is not like the wild peach, its skin on the hair is very delicate and very little, also do not prick, wash off. If you d...

Can you drink boiling rain water?

Can you drink boiling rain water?

Can you drink boiling rain water? You cant drink boiling rain water. Rainwater is the earths water cycle, may contain some minerals, good for the human body, but also contains bacteria, harm than good, so it is not recommended to eat. This...



根据我国专利法,对产品、方法或者其改进所提出的新的技术方案是指()。 答案: 发明...



根据我国专利法,授予专利权的发明和实用新型,应当具备新颖性、创造性和()。 答案: 实用性...

根据我国专利法,专利侵权纠纷涉及新产品制造方法的发明专利的, ()应当提供其产品制造方法不同于专利方法的

根据我国专利法,专利侵权纠纷涉及新产品制造方法的发明专利的, ()应当提供其产品制造方法不同于专利方法的

根据我国专利法,专利侵权纠纷涉及新产品制造方法的发明专利的, ()应当提供其产品制造方法不同于专利方法的证明。 答案: 制造同样产品的单位或者个人...



根据我国专利法,执行本单位的任务或者主要是利用本单位的物质技术条件所完成的发明创造为职务发明创造。职务发明创造申请专利的权利属于()。 答案: 该单位...



根据我国专利法,国务院专利行政部门收到专利申请文件之日为申请日。如果申请文件是邮寄的,以()为申请日。 答案: 寄出的邮戳日...